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There are a few concepts and verbs in ClearlyDefined. Here is a summary of the terms and their meanings:


An adopter of ClearlyDefined is a team or project that is explicitly trying to be ClearlyDefined. ClearlyDefined attempts to meet teams where they are. As such, we do not require specific formats or locations for the interesting data. Rather, if projects signal how they intend the data to be found, ClearlyDefined can harvest that data and make it available. For example, simply having a LICENSE file, or using SPDX-License-Identifier: file headers are clear signs to the tools (and others) that the project is explicitly declaring that information rather than having consumers intuit or interpret the intent. Over time the community will develop a richer set of signals and tools for detecting the signals.


Aggregating is the act of combining the (typically summarized) outputs of various tools. Aggregation typically follows a precedence order with curation having the highest precedence. The order of tool aggregation may evolve over time subject to community agreement.


A discrete chunk of open source project output that can be harvested, curated or otherwise defined in ClearlyDefined. For example, an NPM package, GitHub repo, or source archive. Components are more of an input to the system than a element of the system. Users look at the ClearlyDefined definition for a component or request that a component be harvested. Components are identified by coordinates.


Coordinates are used to identify various elements in ClearlyDefined. For example, components to harvest, tool outputs, source locations. The coordinates for an entity has at least five parts: type, provider, namespace, name and revision.

  • type -- the form of the entity being identified. For example, git, npm, sourceArchive. This is logically, though not actually, equivalent to a mime type.

  • provider -- where entity can be found. Examples include github, npmjs, mavenCentral. The system supports a finite set of providers at any given time.

  • namespace -- a qualifier that helps scope the name of the entity being identified. This typically comes from the context of the type. For example, for NPM packages, it is the scope, for Maven project it would be the groupid, and for GitHub, the login (often org) is used. If an entity does not have a reasonable namespace, a - (hyphen) must be used. That is, the namespace is logically optional but the property must be set.

  • name -- the name of the entity. As with namespace, the name typically comes from the context of the type. So artifactid for Maven, repo name for GitHub, etc.

  • revision -- the instance of the entity being identified. The exact form of the revision depends on the type and provider. In Git, a commit hash is used. In package managers, the typical package version is used. This value is largely uninterpreted by ClearlyDefined and simply either passed to the provider as needed or used as an opaque string in internal keys.


A curation is a set of one or more updates or additions to the data in a definition. For example, a curation may add the release date for a revision of a component. This new information, the curation, would then show up in the component's definition. There is at most one curation for a given revision of a component at a given time. All curations are managed as files in a GitHub repo and changes to these files are managed through pull requests on the files. Ru


Curate is the act of creating a curation. Anyone can submit a curation much like anyone can submit a pull request on GitHub. In fact, proposing a curation does create a pull request.


A curator is akin to a committer or maintainer on a traditional open source project -- they have an established history of quality contribution, insight and knowledge in domain they are curating. Curators are responsible for vetting contributed curations from the community as well as creating their own. They also play a key role in contributing merged curations to upstream projects.


A definition is the final set of data related to a revision of a component. It is the combination of the summarized, aggregated harvested tool output and any curation for the revision. This is the main form of consuming data from ClearlyDefined -- users browse or otherwise access the definitions for their components of interest.


Harvesting is the act of running one or more tools on a revision of a component. The resultant tool outputs are stored for future use in summarization and the creation of definitions.


A summary is the condensed and structure version of a harvest tool's output. A summary contains only the data in which ClearlyDefined is interested.


As summarizer is a mechanism for creating the summary of a particular (set of) tool output. Since ClearlyDefined is only interested in particular information and tools output in many different formats, the summarizer's role is to extract the relevant information and structure it in the canonical internal format for further use in ClearlyDefined.


A tool is an utility that can inspect a component and extract information of interest to ClearlyDefined. Typical tools are ScanCode and FOSSology. ClearlyDefined has a very minimal set of its own tools and the set of tools in use will expand and contract over time.

Tool output

The result of running a particular tool version on a particular revision of a component is a uniquely addressable tool output. Tool outputs are durable and immutable. Further, it is expected that running the same tool version on the same component revision will yield the same tool output.

Tool version

The version of a tool includes both the version of the code as well as any applicable configuration. The tool version MUST be in semver format. Textual representations of the configuration can be captured in the -<info> portion of the version specification.