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3 posts tagged with "events"

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Unveiling ClearlyDefined, this free SBOM service gets cleared for takeoff

· One min read
Nick Vidal
Community Manager at Open Source Initiative

With all the buzz around SBOMs and Open Source supply chain compliance and security, a new revolution is igniting at ClearlyDefined. This amazing project has been flying under the radar since its inception six years ago, but now this free service and open source project from the Open Source Initiative (OSI) gets cleared for takeoff with the launch of a new website focused on stellar documentation, excellent engineering, and healthy community growth.

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Three perspectives from FOSS Backstage

· One min read
Nick Vidal
Community Manager at Open Source Initiative

As a community manager, I find FOSS Backstage to be one of my favorite conferences content-wise and community-wise. This is a conference that happens every year in Berlin, usually in early March. It’s a great opportunity to meet community leaders from Europe and across the world with the goal of fostering discussions around three complementary perspectives: a) community health and growth, b) project governance and sustainability, and c) supply chain compliance and security.

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ClearlyDefined at the ORT Community Days

· One min read
Nick Vidal
Community Manager at Open Source Initiative

Once again Bosch’s campus in Berlin received ORT Community Days, the annual event organized by the OSS Review Toolkit (ORT) community. ORT is an Open Source suite of tools to automate software compliance checks.

The ClearlyDefined community had an important presence at the event, represented by E. Lynette Rayle and Lukas Spieß from GitHub and Qing Tomlinson from SAP. I had the pleasure to represent the Open Source Initiative as the community manager for ClearlyDefined. The mission of ClearlyDefined is to crowdsource a global database of licensing metadata for every software component ever published. We see the ORT community as an important partner towards achieving this mission.

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