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Running the Harvester

Local dev

  • If you want to run locally, you’ll need to install scancode/licensee on your local machine with paths/etc. Easier to run docker image.
  • There is a linux Dockerfile to build a container, that is the target environment
  • Look at quick start in README
  • Template.env.json has minimal settings: file storage provider, memory incoming queue
  • “Queueing work with crawler”: instructions once crawler is running
    • Could bring up service and crawler, and send harvest to service
    • Easier to work with just crawler, example post message in readme
  • See “Build and run docker image locally” in readme, need config file
  • Run docker build command
  • To get dev config: go to portal: cdcrawler-dev, Settings->Configuration
  • Uses docker’s “env-file”, key/value environment vars, different than env.json
  • From dev, change *crawler/harvest azblob_container_name, queue prefix, harvests, queue name, to be your own personal names
  • Crawler_service_auth_token: the token needed for the harvest queue curl command
  • When you use the curl command directly on the crawler, it puts a message on its own queue. You could just copy an existing harvest message from the storage queue, and put on your own named harvest queue

Contributing back to ClearlyDefined

Technical Process: How will data sent from an outside harvester be submitted to ClearlyDefined?

  • put data in shared Blob storage
  • put on harvested queue


  • CD adds a PUT API call that would do both adding data to Blob storage and on the harvested queue
  • May want to add provenance of the data to identify who contributed harvested data