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Are you a representative of an open source project that’s working hard on making sure your licensing and copyright holders for your project are available and unambiguous? Would you like to make the information more publicly discoverable so that other people will use your open source project?

If so, we think you would be a likely project adopter for ClearlyDefined, a community of people gathering and curating data about open source components. We’d love to work with you on running our tools over your code base and seeing how ClearlyDefined you are.

We are building a clearinghouse of data about open source projects so that consumers of those projects will be able to use them with confidence. You can help build your project’s success while also helping us build our understanding of the FOSS ecosystem by adopting ClearlyDefined.

By adopting, you are agreeing to:

  • Have the ClearlyDefined tools run over your codebase
  • Have your project metadata in a format that is easily digestible by tools for discovering metadata (Scan Code, Fossology)
  • Accept curations of data that should be less ambiguous from the community of curators familiar with this subject area

We're on a mission to help FOSS projects thrive by being, well, more clearly defined. Lack of clarity around licenses and security vulnerabilities reduces engagement -- that means fewer users, fewer contributors and a smaller community. This is a community-wide challenge and we're taking a community-wide approach.

  • Raise awareness within FOSS project teams
  • Make it easy to identify and supply missing information
  • Automatically harvest data from projects
  • Crowd-source the curation that data
  • Feed the curation work back to the original projects

ClearlyDefined is a diverse and inclusive community of technical experts who are passionate about quality FOSS. If you or a colleague are interested in this role, check out for more information.